Our health and well-being are products of not only the health care we receive and the choices we make, but also the places where we live, learn, work, and play. A Community Health Needs Assessment and Health Improvement Plan (CHNA & HIP) are processes that identify and address the health needs of the communities in Monona County. Since working together has a greater impact on health and economic vitality than working alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CHNA & HIP brings together health care, public health, and other vital community partners to consider high-priority actions to improve the community’s health.

Monona County Public Health, Burgess Health Center and ISU Extension of Monona County invited community organizations and the public to participate in this discussion about the health of our county residents. At these meetings, a brief presentation of the Community Health Needs Assessment data report was given. After this brief presentation, attendees discussed and narrowed down what the highest priority health needs are in the county and then set goals and strategies that will be focused on over the next five years.


2022 Community Health Needs Assessment Report

– 2022 Community Health Improvement Priorities (CHIP)
2024 Health Improvement Planning