Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive

Save local lives by signing up to donate at the Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive on Friday, January 3, from 12:30 – 5:00 p.m. at Burgess Health Center. Donors must be 16FB Basic years old, in good general health, have eaten a good meal and drank plenty of water prior, and must provide a photo ID.

To schedule your appointment, please click here or by calling 800.287.4903.

Fact: 24 blood donations = 72 lives impacted.

Event Details Jan 3, 2025 Burgess Health Center

Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive

Save local lives by signing up to donate at the Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive on Friday, March 7, from 12:30 – 5:00 p.m. at Burgess Health Center. Donors must be 16FB Basic years old, in good general health, have eaten a good meal and drank plenty of water prior, and must provide a photo ID.

To schedule your appointment, please click here or by calling 800.287.4903.

Fact: 24 blood donations = 72 lives impacted.

Event Details Mar 7, 2025 Burgess Health Center

Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive

Save local lives by signing up to donate at the Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive on Friday, May 2, from 12:30 – 5:00 p.m. at Burgess Health Center. Donors must be 16FB Basic years old, in good general health, have eaten a good meal and drank plenty of water prior, and must provide a photo ID.

To schedule your appointment, please click here or by calling 800.287.4903.

Fact: 24 blood donations = 72 lives impacted.

Event Details May 2, 2025 Burgess Health Center

Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive

Save local lives by signing up to donate at the Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive on Friday, July 3, from 12:30 – 5:00 p.m. at Burgess Health Center. Donors must be 16FB Basic years old, in good general health, have eaten a good meal and drank plenty of water prior, and must provide a photo ID.

To schedule your appointment, please click here or by calling 800.287.4903.

Fact: 24 blood donations = 72 lives impacted.

Event Details Jul 3, 2025 Burgess Health Center

Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive

Save local lives by signing up to donate at the Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive on Friday, September 5, from 12:30 – 5:00 p.m. at Burgess Health Center. Donors must be 16FB Basic years old, in good general health, have eaten a good meal and drank plenty of water prior, and must provide a photo ID.

To schedule your appointment, please click here or by calling 800.287.4903.

Fact: 24 blood donations = 72 lives impacted.

Event Details Sep 5, 2025 Burgess Health Center

Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive

Save local lives by signing up to donate at the Onawa Community Mobile Blood Drive on Friday, November 7, from 12:30 – 5:00 p.m. at Burgess Health Center. Donors must be 16FB Basic years old, in good general health, have eaten a good meal and drank plenty of water prior, and must provide a photo ID.

To schedule your appointment, please click here or by calling 800.287.4903.

Fact: 24 blood donations = 72 lives impacted.

Event Details Nov 7, 2025 Onawa Community Center