I recognize Erin Brekke as a Guardian Angel. Every day, Erin ensures Burgess employees have what they need for pay, benefits, leadership assistance, and so much more. Erin recently took over the Monona County Public Health department. Then, March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic arrived across our Nation and our State. Erin dug in and began to understand the impact this would have on our county. Since then, Erin brought the leaders in our county together to ensure Monona County communities were informed and provided needed direction dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.

Erin made sure our staff did not go without their pay and worked to ensure staff knew their options for work and wages throughout this crisis. Erin worked to learn all of the government assistance programs and led her team to help staff through these uncertain times. In addition, Erin led her team to ensure that Burgess employees, Burgess patients, area businesses, churches, schools, city & county leaders, police, fire departments, and many more were kept informed and updated with daily State and Federal guidance changes.

Erin has worked countless hours since March to ensure the needs of Burgess staff, and surrounding communities’ needs were met, many times with other than clear State and Federal recommendations, and under short timeframes. She juggled all of these duties under extremely stressful conditions and did it with professionalism, compassion, and integrity. Erin is a tremendous part of the Burgess team and is truly deserving of a Guardian Angel award!

Thank you, Erin.



Grady Warner