A Journey Through Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease.  You likely know someone who has it.  Perhaps you have been diagnosed yourself, but what do you really know about Parkinson’s disease?

A Journey through Parkinson’s Disease is an educational series to help people understand more about the disease, its effects, and possible treatments.  Iowa State University Extension in Monona County is offering the educational series, in partnership with Burgess Health Center.  The three-session series will be held April 2, 9 and 16 at 2 p.m. at Burgess Health Center in Onawa.  Each session is interactive and lasts 45 minutes.

“We will help people recognize the signs of Parkinson’s disease and how to seek medical care, as well as learning about therapies and in-home activities that can delay the progression of Parkinson’s disease.  Learning more about the disease and treatments can help people live a full and happy life with Parkinson’s disease,” said Renee Sweers, Human Sciences Specialist, ISU Extension and Outreach and program presenter.

“Growing older is the greatest risk factor for acquiring Parkinson’s disease, and many people live with symptoms for several years before being diagnosed.  People may attribute the symptoms to normal aging or other health problems.  This series helps people and their family members understand the disease and helps them make informed treatment decisions,” said Sweers.

The three-part series is free of charge.  Anyone who wants to know more about Parkinson’s disease is encouraged to attend, including people who have the disease and their friends and family members.  Contact Sue McLaughlin, Burgess Health Center, 712-423-9268, smclaughlin@burgesshc.org for more information or to register.

Burgess Health Center Public Health Reminds Residents Soap & Water is Best

Burgess Health Center Public Health and the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) remind residents that the three primary ways to prevent illness and its spread, including the virus that causes COVID-19, are simple and easy:

  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow/upper arm.
  • Clean hands frequently with soap and water; if soap and water is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Contain the spread of germs by staying home when ill.

Some residents have noted the availability of alcohol-based hand sanitizers is limited in some places. “This should not be a reason for undue concern,” said Burgess Health Center Public Health Director Erin Brekke.  “Hand sanitizers are convenient and effective, but we want everyone to remember that good old soap and water is still the best way to prevent illness.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following steps for effective hand-washing:

  1. Wet your hands with clean, running (warm or cold) water, turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

For up-to-date information on COVID-19, visit the IDPH webpage at https://idph.iowa.gov/Emerging-Health-Issues/Novel-Coronavirus and follow the department on Facebook at @IowaDepartmentOfPublicHealth and on Twitter at @IAPublicHealth.

Learning for Life Program: Family Paint Night

The Learning for Life Program with Burgess Health Center Public Health was very pleased to be able to host a Family Paint Night on January 21 at the West Monona Elementary. The Public Health Department applied for and received special funding from the Neighborhood Network Grant, which made it possible to provide this event free to the residents of Monona County and the surrounding areas. The Learning for Life Parent Educators worked with Simply Signs and Creative Customs, and the Iowa State University Extension Office to provide this fun event.

During this event, families were able to pick from two different wood designs to create, ‘Welcome to our Home” or “Love you more.” Families worked together to paint each block, place the stencil, and complete the painting to have a beautiful new decoration. The designs were created on separate blocks so that everyone in the family could be involved and have a roll in this creation. There were 19 families in attendance for a total of 38 participants. All families were entered into a drawing, and three lucky families were able to go home with a basket of goodies.

Simply Signs and Creative Customs provided instructions to complete the project and helped each family individually answer questions as they arose. The Learning for Life Parent Educators provided information on the importance of parent-child interaction. The Iowa State University Extension Office offered a delicious soup, cornbread, and some healthy snacks. ISU also provided information on how to make healthy snacks and where to find more healthy eating choices.

This event was funded by the support of Community Partnership for Protecting Children’s Neighborhood Networks Grant. This grant’s goal is to bring families together to build lasting relationships in their community. The learning for Life program is funded by grants from the Harrison, Monona, and Shelby Early Childhood Iowa (ECI) board and the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP).

To learn more about Public Health, visit www.burgesshc.org/services/public-health/ or 712.423.9153.

Pictured: Larissa King and daughter Brynnley.

Rock the Heart Beat at the 2020 Wear Red Event

Join us for Burgess Health Center’s Wear Red for Heart Health Luncheon event on Thursday, February 13. Burgess has organized presentations and more than a dozen booths to highlight physical activity and the day’s heart health theme, “Rock the Heart Beat”, connecting physical activity and heart health.

Mahmoud A. Sharaf, MD, FRCP, will discuss how to “Rock the Heart Beat” and connect physical activity to heart health. As an interventional cardiologist, Dr. Sharaf diagnoses and treats abnormalities that impair the function of the cardiovascular system. He and his team at Unity Point work extremely hard to get the best outcome for their patients.

Doors of the Onawa Community Center open at 10:30 a.m. with education stations, fun booths, free chair massages and nail painting, and more. Staley’s will provide a delicious buffet meal served at approximately 11:30 a.m.

Registration cost is $10. If you have not registered before February 7, please register at the door on the day of the event.  Active Burgess Volunteers get $2 off the price of registration. Registration forms are available at all Burgess locations. Individuals may also register by calling (712) 423-9200.

First Baby of the Year Born at Burgess Health Center

Burgess Health Center welcomes the New Year with the announcement of its first baby of 2020. On January 2, at 8:36 p.m., a baby boy, Drocarys Mosias-Wayne Miller, was born to Kiana Phillips and Byson Miller at Burgess Family Beginnings in Onawa. He weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz. and was 21 inches long.

As the Burgess Family Beginnings New Year’s baby, Drocarys and his parents received a personalized work of art made by Sue Cutler, chairperson of Burgess Health Center Auxiliary New Year’s Baby Gift Committee. In addition, the Kiwanis Club of Onawa presented baby Drocarys with a hand-made quilt.

If you would like to find out more about Burgess Family Beginnings or the Burgess Auxiliary, visit www.BurgessHC.org.

Photo: Sue Cutler, Byson Miller, Kiana Phillips, baby Drocarys Miller, and Lou Hewitt.

Learning for Life Program Brings Christmas Cheer

The Learning for Life program, through Burgess Health Center, held a group meeting at the Onawa Public Library on December 17, 2019. Each child was able to make a Christmas ornament and color a picture to take home and hang up. Santa attended this event as well! Each child had an opportunity to let Santa know what he/she wanted for Christmas. Santa was excited to talk with all of the children and encouraged them to sing Christmas songs to help bring the Christmas cheer.

If you or a friend would like to know how to enjoy group meetings, such as this, and to learn how to participate in educational home visits that will help your child’s growth and development, please contact Burgess Health Center’s Learning for Life Program, at 712-423-9253 or 712-423-9242. Sara Keenan or Debie Lahr would be happy to talk to you about this helpful program available in Monona County! Learning for Life (LFL) is a free home visiting program for families with children under five years of age and for expectant mothers. The program is funded by a grant from the Harrison, Monona, and Shelby Early Childhood Iowa Board and ICAPP funds.

Learning for Life Program: Family Paint Night

Burgess Health Center Public Health, Learning for Life Program, was very pleased to be able to host a Family Paint Night on November 18th at the Soldier Community Center. The Public Health Department applied for and received special funding from the Neighborhood Network Grant, which made it possible to provide this event for free to the residents of Monona County and the surrounding areas. The Learning for Life Parent Educators worked with Simply Signs and Creative Customs, and the Iowa State University Extension Office to provide this fun event.

During this event, families were able to pick from two different wood designs to create, ‘Welcome to our Home” or “Let it Snow.” Families worked together to paint each block, place the stencil, and complete the painting to have a beautiful new decoration. The designs were created on separate blocks so that everyone in the family could be involved and have a roll in this creation. There were 12 families in attendance for a total of 24 participants. All families were entered into a drawing, and three lucky families were able to go home with a new blanket and book.

Simply Signs and Creative Customs provided instructions to complete the project and helped each family individually answer questions as they arose. The Learning for Life Parent Educators provided information on the importance of parent-child interaction. The Iowa State University Extension Office provided a healthy snack, details on how to make healthy snacks and make healthy eating choices. This event was funded by the support of Community Partnership for Protecting Children’s Neighborhood Networks Grant. This grant’s goal is to bring families together to build lasting relationships in their community. The Learning for Life program is funded by grants from the Harrison, Monona, and Shelby Early Childhood Iowa (ECI) board and the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP).

To learn more about Public Health, visit www.burgesshc.org/services/public-health/ or 712.423.9153.

Milestone & Guardian Angel Tree Ceremony

The public is invited to commemorate the holidays at the annual tree lighting ceremony for the Burgess Foundation Milestone & Guardian Angel Trees, Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 6 p.m. in the Burgess Health Center lobby.

Following the lighting, Burgess Auxiliary will serve complimentary refreshments for all in attendance.

Personalized brass ornaments recognizing loved ones are remembered in a memorial or honorarium to the Burgess Foundation during the last year are placed on the nine-foot, frosted blue spruce Milestone Tree. The Guardian Angel tree honors Burgess staff members and volunteers recognized through the Guardian Angel program during the last year.

Commemorative gifts made to the foundation also observe births, graduations, anniversaries, and the holiday. All commemorative gifts help to enhance the quality care provided at Burgess Health Center.

For more information, contact Bart McDowell, director of Burgess Foundation, by emailing foundation@burgesshc.org or calling 712-423-9374.