Cardiac rehabilitation is a customized exercise program created specifically for your needs. It is designed to help you recover from a heart attack, other forms of heart disease or surgery to treat heart disease. Burgess Health Center’s cardiac rehab program is designed to help you improve your level of fitness and health.
Sessions, conducted at the hospital, offer the opportunity to safely and confidently increase your activity level through the structure and guidance of trained professionals. Our staff provides support, motivation and quality care. Your physicians will be periodically informed of your progress throughout the program.
The cardiac rehab team at Burgess provides the Phase II level of cardiac care. Phase I begins while the patient is still in the hospital, with exercise and educational components. The Phase II program starts after the patient is released from the hospital. Patients begin to exercise under the supervision of a nurse while connected to a cardiac monitor.
Cardiac rehabilitation is a vital component of recovery from:
- heart attacks
- open heart surgery
- angioplasty or stents
- angina
- other cardiac problems
Cardiac rehab is available to patients living in the region regardless of where their family physician practices. To learn more about the cardiac rehab program call 712-423-9304.